Creativity Thoughts and Insights

Midori Evans Midori Evans

A Sanctuary of Shared Stories

In the heart of New Bedford, a gathering takes place every second Tuesday of the month at six-thirty pm. This isn't just any ordinary meetup; it's a haven for artists of all kinds to come together, share their passions, and foster a sense of community that nourishes both the soul and the imagination. Welcome to the New Bedford Artists Share, where creativity flourishes and friendships blossom.

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Midori Evans Midori Evans

An Elephant Memory (1976)

The cling-clang of the wires up the aluminum masts of the yachts in the river fade away as we walk up Acoaxet Road. It’s morning, but already hot, and the softened tar of the street burns the soles of my bare feet as we are on our way to Elephant Rock Beach on the Atlantic.

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Midori Evans Midori Evans


Perseverance is one of those great words that extols stamina, drive, grit, and courage all in one twelve-letter word! Perseverance can feel different depending on the day. That morning you wake and think: no way am I getting out of bed to write when I am so sleepy. When you get up anyway, that’s perseverance. That day your rational voice is saying that your novel is finished and ready to go but your inner voice is edgy and trying to tell you that something is wrong. When you listen to the edgy voice and put in another week’s worth of work before submitting it – that’s perseverance.

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Midori Evans Midori Evans

Welcoming Limits

Sometimes people think that creativity is about dreams and never-ending streams of ideas. But most creative people know that limits are incredibly important for the creative work process. Too many options overwhelms the system. Making decisions from too large a pool of choices deadens the senses.

What are some ways to use limitations to help your creative insights?

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Midori Evans Midori Evans

How to Let Go

Are we meant to keep every work of art we have ever done? Long-time artists may struggle with when to let go of works they have created in the past. How long do we keep our work? Is it worth it to pay a lot of money in storage fees or better to invest the money in new classes and equipment? For artists who create physical objects of art especially, sorting through old works of art ends up being an overwhelming project.

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