Opening Leftovers

Creative Multitasking

Lots of creatives struggle with having too many projects. They’re often dreaming about all sorts of things they would like to do and have many projects they’ve started and abandoned. Do you have leftover projects that you pretend to ignore but that are actually begging for your attention? I think of those projects like I do leftovers that reside in the fridge. There are the funky ones that somehow fell behind the ketchup bottle and you totally forgot they were there. They’re growing some interesting pink mold and no longer even resemble the food they once were. Then there are the random leftovers that you put in the fridge a few days ago that you keep meaning to eat but don’t really want to. Lastly, there is that great pad thai leftover that you put in the fridge just yesterday, in its nice, clean take-away container, just waiting for you. Take some time in your creative life to open your leftovers and determine which ones can be thrown away and which are temporarily shelved. It’s like doing a brain dump but in reverse: name the categories of projects that are swirling around in your head. Pink mold ketchup projects? Throw them away. Random leftovers? Is there any energy left for these ideas? Have they run their course? Sort through them, picking only the one or two that speak the most clearly to you. The pad thai projects? Hold on to them and make a plan for when you can visit with them again.




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