A Sanctuary of Shared Stories

by Nicholas Rachel

In the heart of New Bedford, a gathering takes place every second Tuesday of the month at six-thirty pm. This isn't just any ordinary meetup; it's a haven for artists of all kinds to come together, share their passions, and foster a sense of community that nourishes both the soul and the imagination. Welcome to the New Bedford Artists Share, where creativity flourishes and friendships blossom.

Nestled within the warm and inviting walls of CO+Creative, a local space for creative community, the New Bedford Artists Share emanates an aura of inspiration from the moment you step through the door. The artistic energy is palpable, not only through the vibrant artworks on display but also in the air itself. And what's that musical sound floating in the background? It's the notes of a banjo from the weekly banjo teaching group that calls this creative haven their home.

As the clock strikes six-thirty, a symphony of footsteps and friendly chatter fills the room as artists, both familiar faces and newcomers, make their way to the heart of the gathering – the meeting room tucked away behind the first set of double doors. Greeting them with a warm smile and a contagious enthusiasm is none other than the heart and soul of New Bedford Artists Share, Midori Evans, the facilitator who weaves the threads of connection that make this gathering so unique.  

For those who are new to the experience, Midori encourages them to sign in and provide Instagram handles, emails and more, building that foundation of connection that is so important. As the artists settle around the tables, the atmosphere buzzes with excitement. Some come bearing their latest works, while others clutch the tools of their trade, ready to unveil their creative journeys. It's a moment of shared vulnerability and exhilaration, where the fruits of countless hours of dedication and passion are about to be laid bare.

The room becomes a canvas itself, not only for the art that adorns its physical walls but for the stories, insights, and inspirations that flow from the hearts and minds of the artists. As Midori sets up the virtual connection for those joining remotely, the anticipation mounts. The true essence of the New Bedford Artists Share comes alive as each artist steps into the spotlight, sharing their work, their inspirations, and their dreams.

With the focused attention of a captivated audience, the artists are given a platform to shine. Ideas spark, feedback blooms and creative camaraderie fills the air. Each individual receives their moment to bask in the spotlight, but they're not alone – they are enveloped by the genuine support of fellow creators who understand the journey. 

What truly sets the New Bedford Artists Share apart is the genuine sense of community that transcends artistic mediums and personal backgrounds. The collective spirit lives in both the familiar faces who return month after month and the newcomers who may initially step in with trepidation. Here, open arms and open hearts pave the way for lasting connections.

In a world that often races ahead, the New Bedford Artists Share offers a sanctuary of shared stories, whispered dreams, and resounding support. It's not just a gathering; it's a movement that celebrates the beauty of human expression and the power of community. As the evening draws to a close, there's a promise in the air – a promise that the canvas of creativity will continue to be layered upon, nurtured by the bonds formed in this sacred space.


An Elephant Memory (1976)