The Creative Explorer

Welcome to Midori Creativity! A little over a year ago, I was attending a networking and connecting event for women. During the evening, we were paired for fifteen minute chat sessions with a number of individuals with the goal of talking about meaningful work and where we wanted to direct our life. I had recently been reading a book by Eric Maisel, Deep Writing, that I had explored decades earlier and had just rediscovered. I vaguely knew that he had launched some Creativity Coaching classes but I didn’t know much more than that. Throughout the evening, I found myself coming back to this topic, again and again. How much did I really know about creativity coaching at that point? Almost nothing. But I was drawn to the idea of helping people create meaning in their lives. And inspired by the idea that we could all be diving deeper into our stories and our creative selves. Having spent nearly twenty-five years already working for myself as an individual tutor, I had the skills I needed for coaching. As a photographer, a pianist, a writer, I knew already how much my own life path resonated with the path of an artist. What I didn’t know was the amazing and wonderful doors that would open for my life. I went home that night with a clear realization that creativity coaching was my next step.

Exploring Creative Pathways to Happiness



Where is your Courage?