Who Uses Creative Project Coaching?

Anyone who is working on a creative project and feeling stuck. Solopreneurs, working artists, spiritual leaders, marketers, leadership development experts. Do you have a project you want to move forward with?

Can you tell me a Story about Creative Project Coaching?

Linette is part of a fellowship program at a well-known university. She’s got lots of creative ideas and wants to both broaden her experience as well as leave a lasting mark in the last year of her fellowship. Yet she lacks the connections to make a big project happen and is hesitant about which steps to do in what order. Sometimes it's so overwhelming she figures it's easier to just put her head down and get through the last few months. But she reaches out for help. Midori Creativity to the rescue! In a short forty-five minutes, we’ve brainstormed a plan, focused on what is necessary and removed the details that are bogging her down. Two months later, an amazing plan for an art infrastructure project is on its way!

Creative Project Coaching

“My creativity coaching session with Midori Evans was very inspiring. I am working on a narrative nonfiction book proposal and she helped me devise strategies to handle a large, overwhelming project. We discussed organizing methods and the importance of committing to an approach when working with a lot of research material.” -- Melissa

A lot of people associate creativity with artistry.  Others think they are neither artistic nor creative. Yet every time we think from a new angle, incorporate a unique approach, or design a new strategy, we are utilizing our creativity.

What do you do for work? What responsibilities do you have at home? Do you sometimes feel like you are doing things by rote, without any way to breathe new life into your work?

Or maybe you’re stuck on an idea. It’s been rattling around in your head or you’ve sketched out some ideas but can’t figure out how to start. It’s a little bit out of your comfort zone and you just keep avoiding taking that next step.

Then Creative Project Coaching is just what you need! The beauty of Creative Project Coaching is that it focuses on a specific issue. We come at your issue from a variety of viewpoints. Working habits, resource accessibility, time strategies, structured blocks -- it’s all about what is blocking you and helping you get your project off the ground. And, of course, we hold some space to honor and love the projects you care about!

This kind of coaching can be immediate and short-term or used as a support for a longer-term strategic plan. What is most important is that you’ll have a creative coach by your side, someone who helps you throw all those pesky details onto the page, sort them through, and find a way through the mess. Voila! Welcome the birth and the manifestation of your Creative Project!

Many people have too much spiralling around in their brains. Some people are too discouraged to start. Others are triggered from trying to work alone and not getting anywhere. We start where you are.

What sort of techniques do we use? If you’re spiralling, we break it down. Discouraged or feeling alone? We find that motivation again together. Creative Project Management utilizes organizing methods, commitment strategies, step by step planning, and personal motivation. If you find yourself stuck again for any reason, you can always come back!

How about an inspiring story? A past client wrote: “I had a vision of murals, bursting with color on the interior walls of the stairwell that we all trudged up from the parking lot into the hospital each day.  We all needed a ray of sunshine to welcome us to our day at work. But how to make it happen?  In 45 minutes with Midori Creativity coaching, I had a plan. A recipe. And eight months later the mural project is a reality! Check out the full mural story in the Explore: Podcasts page.

You, too, can be a great candidate for creative project coaching! If you feel like that creative recipe is just out of reach, then today is the day to start cooking up your idea. Give it a try and become part of the story. The story you want to write in the world you want to see. Book a coaching session today!